PropDanceCulture VendorShip
The process to become a PropDanceCulture Vendor/Instructor is as follows:
(1) Make an account on the PropDanceCulture Website and select the “Professional/Instructor” membership level if you want to support Tyfoods (Membership level is optional!)
(2) Once you’ve completed that step you may go to “Your Account>Apply for Vendorship”
(3) Once applied, PropDanceCulture will review your application
(4) If accepted then you can begin listing your courses and products! (See more information below!)
Applying for the Vendor Membership, or, Vendorship. Will allow you to sell your products and services alongside PropDanceCulture products! This includes the sale of digital products and the ability to give out coupons! In addition to having your products along side of PropDanceCulture products. You will be given your own store front and dashboard through which you can organize your store and conduct sales. Your store will even be able to receive reviews and will be listed under “Our Community >Community Shops”.
Vendorship benefits include
- Your own branded store front
- Your products and services among PropDanceCulture products
- Ability to issue coupons and offer virtual/digital products (such as gig packages, online lessons & downloadable content)
- An easy to use back end for your store
If extra advertisement is desired, OR if you want to support PropDanceCulture, then you can donate $5 per month to receive shout outs/promotion through PropDanceCulture, Tyfoods and Flowstagram.
PropDanceCulture takes a 3.5% fee from the retail price of the products and services sold via the PropDanceCulture Website.
PropDanceCulture reserves the right to remove products listed by vendors due to reasons such as overlapping or duplicate listings and quality control of products.
As a multi-vendor website, the goal is to make sure that there are not duplicate items from separate vendors (I.E. Multiple vendors selling the same exact item. In other words multiple vendors listing individual “Capsule Lights by FlowToys” for sale). Additionally, PropDanceCulture wants to be sure that the products listed are of the highest quality.
The process to become a PropDanceCulture Vendor is as follows:
(1) Make an account on the PropDanceCulture Website and select the “Professional” membership level
(2) Once you’ve been upgraded you may go to “Your Account>Apply for Vendorship”
(3) Once applied, PropDanceCulture will review your application
(4) If accepted then you can begin listing products!