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What is Flow Arts?

Flow Arts is the ART of achieving Flow.

It really is an art.

Sometimes when people learn about Flow, they find the concept of Flow to be foreign or something that is extraordinarily rare. There are many reasons for this, and I will name a few of them.

(1)  Stress – Part of getting into the Flow state has to do with the ability, or capability, to relax. The Flow state isn’t something that you can force yourself into. Rather, it’s something that one must relax and ease themselves into.

(2) Too high expectations – It can be misleading to believe that, when you Flow, you will always experience selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness and information richness all at the same time and at their greatest intensities. In other words, just because you don’t feel time slow down or speed up, information richness and at one with the universe or outside your body, does NOT mean that you’re not in Flow. You’re just not in “MacroFlow”. Even small signs of STER can mark Flow. It’s actually possible and probable that you achieve these signs throughout the day during daily tasks. We call the appearance of mental states marked by STER at low intensities “MicroFlow”. More on this later.

(3) Lack of knowledge – like I said, Flow is an art and like all art, Flow requires practice and discipline. One must not only learn how to get into Flow but must make the commitment to practice getting into Flow.

So, there you have it, stress, too high expectations and lack of knowledge can contribute to you feeling as though Flow is foreign or extraordinarily rare. Does anything sound familiar?

I ask you to take a serious look at whether you fall into any of these categories, because Flow IS real and there ARE true Flow Artists who are taking advantage of the Flow state to achieve a level of high performance and experience that seems to be unattainable any other way. In fact, for Hardcore Flow Artists, it’s Flow, or die.


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