Topic Progress:

Creating Flow Habits

Step (1): Identify what your habits are. What do you do every day? Chunk your day up into separate regular activities, for example “I get out of bed on the right side and check my phone” might be activity number one. Once you’ve listed your activities, identify the Cue, Routine and Reward. Don’t worry, you’ll only have list all your regular activities once!

Step (2): The problem with your Routine is that it’s the SAME every time! What we want to do is make our routine DIFFERENT every time. Always workout at the gym? Try not doing that (Body weight exercises at home, or cardio outside!), always cook X for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Try not doing that. However, you should be aiming to KEEP variety in your daily life.

Step (3): Reward yourself DIFFERENTLY for each different routine completed. For example: Cue = Your Workout Clothes Routine = Work out at the gym à Eat Steak for dinner, Cardio outside the gym à Eat a Vegan Meal, Body Weight Exercises at home à Meal that usually takes a long time to make, so you normally eat it.

The idea is that our Cue will trigger multiple possible routines with multiple possible rewards

At first, you’ll need to attack one specific habit loop, such as your workout + eating routine. After that you simply fill it with more and more variety! Start with two variations, then three then four, etc… The reason that you attack ONLY ONE specific habit loop, is because it takes a lot of energy to change habits. Your brain gets so good at performing habits, that it’s actually conserving energy by performing those habits. Free will however (I.E. breaking habits) consumes A LOT more energy than does performing a habit.

If you’d like to learn more about habits and how you can create more specific “Flow Habits” talk to Tyfoods about scheduling a “Flow Habit Consultation”. It helps immensely to be held accountable for keeping/changing your habits!

If you’d like to self-study, then I recommend “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg, but the basic idea is to work Flow Triggers into your habit loops! 

Note: I’ll be recommending a bunch of books and such throughout the remainder of this course. If you choose to purchase them, then please be sure to do so through the link that I provide! PropDanceCulture will receive some money for your decision to learn, and we would be super grateful if you did! By the way, if you’re like me and LOVE audiobooks because you don’t have to much time to read but have SO much time to listen (long car rides, while exercising/spinning, while cooking), then you’re in luck ? Amazon has helped us facilitate learning by offering a free 30-day trial to “Audible”. The trial comes with two free books, but costs $15 after the 30-day trial is up. You can just cancel before the trial is over if you end up not liking the books, and PropDanceCulture still will make a little money from your decision to learn ? Thanks in advance for your support! Here’s the link for the free audible trial:

FREE audible trial:

Back to the show!
Let’s recap once again! We understand what Flow is, what the benefits of Flow are, what types of Flow Artists exist in the world, the differences between Micro and MacroFlow AND how we can trigger Flow in our lives, AND that fact that we can sustainably implement this information into our lives through the power of habit. Now, for all the turbo-nerds out there, this one is for you! It’s time for us to dive into some of the science of Flow!

In the next segment we’ll be learning a bit about the brain, specifically, how the interactions that happen within’ the brain promotes Flow and how we can use Neurofeedback to get into Flow more often. Right after that we’ll use our knowledge of what we know about neurochemistry in order to… You guessed it! Get ourselves into Flow more often! As we’ll see it, it turns out that sleep, diet, movement, meditation/relaxation and setting big audacious goals, all help change our brain chemistry into a state that’s perfect for generating Flow!


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