Our Future

In general, the PropDanceCulture mission follows a simple two step process:

  1. Bring together ALL movement artists into a melting pot
  2. Empower those movement artists with the tools they need to succeed

THE GOAL: Make living off of movement arts a reality

Such a mission cannot be achieved by any single person and MUST be accomplished through community effort, thus PropDanceCulture aims to be fully transparent in its plans so that they can be vetted by the community.

Please join the group “PropDanceCulture Insiders” to contribute ideas to our future plans

Last Updated: 6/15/18

Note: These are future plans and have not been implemented as yet.

When/If ads are introduced to the PropDanceCulture website then ad Revenue will be shared among to website members through various activities.

  • Instead of earning “contributor points” you may earn real world money (USD), that you can spend anywhere, outright

PropDanceCulture aims to begin paying community members real world money (USD) for the production of high quality tutorials

PropDanceCulture aims to support local community leaders (I.E. Those who regularly host jams) by providing them with the resources they need to do so.

PropDanceCulture aims to provide a method for switching between “contributor points” and “real world money (USD)”

PropDanceCulture aims to pay “PropDanceCulture Insiders” for their contributions!





© 2018 PropDanceCulture - The Melting Pot Of ALL Movement Artists

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