Knowledge is Power

Chemistry is everything when it comes to the body and mind functioning at an optimal level. We, as human beings, exist at a 7.4, or, slightly alkaline on the Ph scale. Maintaining that Ph puts us in a state of equilibrium. Things like food, water, drugs & alcohol all have a drastic effect on our PH Level. Being knowledgeable of our state of being & the means to maintain that are the keys to ourselves.

What to do?

Food is everywhere. And, like anything else, there is good quality & there is bad quality. Foods that come from animals exist on the acidic end of the PH scale. Foods that are grown typically exist on the alkaline end of the scale, though this is not always the case. Limiting acid, while maximizing alkaline is a great way to maintain proper PH balance.

Pure Water exists in a neutral state, it sits at 7 on the PH scale. Local Water supplies & Ground water can vary depending on location. It is safe to say that most accessable water sits somewhere between 6.5 & 8 on the PH scale. Boosting the alkalinity of your water is another great way to maintain proper levels. Simply adding some lemon & a pinch of baking soda to any water makes the alkalinity rise, making it far better for your health.

Dehydration is an epidemic. It is projected that 75% of Americans live in a state of chronic dehydration. Drinking the recommended amount of water daily is crucial to growth. By taking your body weight & dividing it by 2, gives you the amount of water you should drink daily, in ounces. Or,  .3 liters of water per 10 pounds of body weight, daily.



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